adresse complémentaire aux délégations internationales au TNP

Publié le par délégation ONU rennes

Riverside Church

Elements for the delegations at NPT 2010
63 french organisations working together come to NPT for denouncing the
non respect of article 6 by French governement
The French campaign for nuclear disarmament ( ICAN - France) :
ACDN, CDRPC, Américains contre la Guerre, Appel des Cent pour la Paix,
Armes nucléaires STOP, ATTAC,artistes pour la Paix, Association des libres
Penseurs de France, AMFPGN, AFPS, ANCAC, ARAC, CNID, CGT, Confédération
Paysanne, CANVA, Coordination nationale "Justice, Paix, Intégrité de la
création", Droit Solidarité, Enjeu - les Pionniers de France, Enseignants
pour la Paix, Fédération Espérantiste du Travail, FNTE-GCT, FSU, Femmes
Solidaires , Forum Plutonium, Greenpeace France, IDRP , Institut Hiroshima
Nagasaki, La Fondation Copernic, Les Alternatifs, Les Verts, LDH, Ligue
Internationale des Femmes pour la Paix, Maison de Vigilance, Mouvement de
la Paix, MPEP, MRAP, MJCF, MOC, MIR, MNLE, MDLP, MAN, Observatoire des
armes nucléaires françaises, PCF, Pax Christi France, RITIMI, Réseau
féministe Rupture, Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire, SNES-FSU, SNESup-FSU,
SNCS-FSU, SNTRS-CGT, Union nationale peuple et culture, UBSAC-CGT, ATMF
In opposition with the french authorities assemption , about the “concrete
initiatives in the pursuit of desarmement including nuclear” (source
:french official document for the conference: FranceNPT 2010)we want to
give informations about the modernization of nuclear weapons (official
expression) that we , NGO, call violation of TNP.

A- Where the violation of NPT by French government takes place

The main violations take place in two areas

1. Western France: the Oceanic Strategic Force located in Ile Longue
It is the most important nuclear French base with about 350 atomic bombs,
representing 3000 times the power of the bomb used in Hiroshima.
2. Le Barp (village near Bordeaux): nuclear tests labs (simulation of
nuclear explosions by computers and lasers)

B- How the French government violates NPT

During the last 20 years, French government has developed a program of
modernization of its nuclear forces by

1. Replacing all nuclear submarines by new ones called SNLE- NG.(Nuclear
submarines for launching missiles – New Generation).The last 5 new SNLE-NG
will be launched in 2012
2. Replacing all missiles by new missiles called M45 (for missile 45) with
a range of 6000 km.
3. Replacing all nuclear warheads by around 350 new nuclear bombs, called
TN 75 (Nuclear head 75). These atomics bombs were built with the
“benefits” of the latest nuclear tests in Mururoa (1995).

Since 2009, French government launched a new nuclear program called
“Program M51”!

Through the M51 nuclear program, France is going:
1. to replace all M45 ‘by a new kind of missile called M51 (for missile
51).These missiles have 8000 km range. They will be placed in SNLE-NG
2. to replace all nuclear warheads TN75 by 350 new atomic bombs called TNN
(New nuclear warheads) of 2 kinds (TNO- oceanic nuclear warhead/TNA:
airport nuclear warheads for space nuclear warheads and forces).

Rather than making efforts for nuclear disarmament France is violating the
NPT by increasing his nuclear forces.
So that we, French people demand that France
 stop the violation of NPT
 works hardly for making possible a global process for the
elaboration of a convention for the elimination of nuclear weapons ( if
France is not the main nuclear power we demand a really, strongly and
legally engagement of France with others States for the real application
of article 6)
C- The cost

The violation of TNP need a lot of money about 35 billions euros which
would have a better use for social and environnmental needs
D- In conclusion

We hope that these elements given to you by french organisations that
represent the french public opinion will help you for having a better
understanding of the French position in nuclear desarmement negociations
and why Francee often blocks nuclear desarmement and prefer to speak
about nuclear non proliferation ........for the others !!!.
We hope that in this 2010 conference France will change his usual position
by taking into account the new international context.
We are optimistic because in France more and more people are expressing
their need for nuclear disarmament, including political leaders from right
and left.

United Nations -New York May 7 /2010
French Peace Movement
Mouvement de la paix /;,





Publié dans ONU Mai 2010

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